The Latest Instagram Updates

This can be time-consuming and challenging unless you know about the latest Instagram updates designed to help users gain free Instagram followers and visibility easily.

The Instagram updates released recently provide simple tools that allow anyone to quickly and efficiently attract followers and get noticed, in case you are wondering how to get followers on Instagram. In this article, we will be sharing tricks on how you can use these features to up your Instagram game and reach more people organically. So if you want free Instagram followers, keep reading!

Reels – Introducing New Short-Form Video Tools for Creators

Instagram recently launched “Reels”, a feature allowing users to create short videos up to 15 seconds in length. Reels reward creators who can get creative and engage their audience by providing an opportunity to share brief snippets of their world through short video content.

Story Highlights – Create Archived Stories Collections

Instagram also recently released “Story Highlights”, which allows users to save certain stories permanently into a collection shown at the top of their profile page, as well as adding small round dots below each post to show archived stories collections available for viewing. This new feature helps users easily display different categories of past stories for visitors scrolling through profiles.

Shopping Tags Now on Stories – Sell Products Directly from Your Posts

You are now able to sell products directly from your posts using “shopping tags” – simply tag the product when adding it to your post or story, and followers can quickly click over from their phone and purchase it without ever having to leave the app!

Shopping Stickers – Make Your Photos Shoppable

For those that didn’t have time to design solo product pages within their main profile, Instagram introduced shopping stickers that allow you quickly add a product page sticker on any photo or story; this takes viewers right to the official product page they can purchase with one single click!

New Poll Feature – Enhance Interaction with Followers


With interactive polls, brands are now able to reach out to consumers and ask them what they would like more than ever before; whether it is asking them which colour they prefer or trying out new ideas and concepts altogether, these polls engage customers in unique conversations with businesses and provide valuable insights for them in return!

Share 60-Second Videos and Multiple Photos in One Post

Instagram now allows users to post multiple pictures with one post and also upload videos up to 60 seconds – great news for brands and influencers who have visual stories they want to bring to life. Take advantage of this by experimenting with different video lengths and content types such as tutorials, ‘behind the scenes’ videos or interviews.

Re-share Feed Posts in Your Stories

You can also share posts from other accounts into your stories (as long as they have not turned off “Allow Sharing” in their profile settings). This is an easy way of boosting engagement and introducing new audiences to your account, plus it creates an opportunity for conversation between you and other accounts.

Live Stream Shopping Experiences

The Live Shopping feature that was announced earlier this year has rolled out onto the platform, allowing retailers who use Facebook Shops or Shopify broadcast live product demonstrations and answer questions in real-time. If you manage a business page, take advantage of this feature by hosting live streams around special occasions, launching new products or conducting Q&A sessions with customers.